Notice to Journal Contributors

Contributors should prepare manuscripts according to the following instructions.

Title:  The title should be brief, concise, and pertinent.

Abstract: An abstract is required for all long articles; suggested for all biologic studies more than two (2) pages in length; but is not needed for notes, distribution reports, or short observations (especially if two pages or shorter in length). The abstract should provide a capsule description of the main thrust, methods, and essential findings of the article. It should contain the scientific name, including species author(s), of the main subject species for most biological studies.

Text: Manuscripts should be submitted in MS Word™ by e-mail or on a CD. Please identify respective file name(s) for text, figure titles, and descriptions of graphs or figures. First mention of a biological organism, in the abstract and text should include the full scientific name, including species author(s). Carefully check the spelling of all scientific names. All genera and species should be in italics. Capitalize “official” common names for faunal species. Short articles and general notes (20 pages or less) are preferred. Longer manuscripts may be assessed page charges. Color “copy ready” illustrations, pictures, or digital images are preferred.

References: References should be given in an author-date format: (Lynch 1987); (Lynch 1987, 1988); (Lynch, in press); (Lynch, in litt.); (Lynch, pers. comm.); (Lynch and Lynch 1989); and (Lynch et al. 1990) for 3 or more authors. Provide evidence of acceptance for works “in press,” or cite as “unpublished”, “in litt.” (written), or “pers. comm.” (verbal); written permission is suggested as well. Citations shall be listed alphabetically, under LITERATURE CITED, as follows: Articles:  Lynch, J.F. 1987. An annotated checklist and key to the species of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of the Chesapeake Bay region. The Maryland Naturalist 31(3–4):61–105. Do not abbreviate the titles of journals. Books: Fisher, B.L., and S.P. Cover. 2007. Ants of North America: A guide to the genera. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA. 194 pp. Internet: Entomological Society of America. 2011. Common names of insects database. Available at: Accessed 11 July 2011.

Tables: Tables, graphs, and line drawings should be created electronically in black and white. Color should only be used when absolutely necessary for clarity.

Illustrations: Photographs or high-definition images may be accepted if necessary or desired by the author(s) to support the text. Reproduction of photos or images may increase printing costs and authors will be expected to pay any extra charges. Photographs should be submitted in color. Figure numbers, as cited in the text, and figure legends should be keyed to each respective photograph.

The Maryland Entomologist is published annually by the Maryland Entomological Society. There are four numbers per volume. Original articles or reports on geographic or temporal distribution (primarily pertaining to Maryland and the Mid-Atlantic region), ecology, biology, morphology, genetics, systematics, behavior, etc., are welcome. Notes on distribution, behavior, occurrence, migration, life history, and other biological topics will be published. All submissions are subject to editorial review and acceptance. Articles will be peer-reviewed. E-mail submissions to Editor Eugene J. Scarpulla at ejscarp(AT)comcast(DOT)net.